Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Continued Studies - 05/24/2006



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


Modern Society.

Thoughts about this subject abound - and thankfully so.

It is that we as a species are at the least interesting, if nothing else.

In again considering how it is that I perceive our version of this magnificent concept of the "third degree of civilization" and how it has developed and changed in the short period of time it has been in effect - it is that I again find a different perspective/aspect pertaining to the advent of electricity and the accompanying accoutrement's which have, and continue to follow.

The effect of and from it, as I have already addressed pertaining to other perspectives, is quite profound to say the least.

In those developments there is yet another aspect in regard to our social dynamic and in relation to the apparent design of our (human) current ploy at social structure. It is again, I must say, quite the accomplishment if I do say, and proof even of soundness within this ploy - that I personally managed to accommodate the ideas within it - then further as testimony is the fact that the design itself has managed to accommodate such an indescribably unique advance as was electricity - and continues to maintain at least the very basic ideas rather efficiently even in the face of otherwise mind blowing changes to the scope of perceivable reality.

Within that, I now notice more closely the effect of things such as the blinding speed of modern communications within something conceived and implemented in a time where such was not even the stuff of stories beyond the winged foot messengers of myth.

Again, as I have stated previously - beyond such out of context myth, there is no way they could have foreseen such developments. Those developments have served to "warp" certain aspects of those initial designs, and as much have served to disjoint some of what can be seen as intended motions within it - though not so much as to cause overly problematic elements to arise as of yet.

In fact, again as tribute to such brilliance - a person can even see the "reaction" and subtle changes within it due to such drastic introduction and change of pace and reality - as a form of "progress" and resulting "creation" of other social elements never before seen in humanity (human social structures).

In effect a person could liken it to an inadvertent birth and creation of (however detrimental or positive) an entirely different level of existence - which then mandates, as suggested, an entirely different reality.

Though it is that I hold personal views and opinions in regard to the extreme and over saturated effect of said, it is still that such is a truth in regard to said "creation." In pondering the effect of that "creation" and "growth," again from a different perspective - within the disjointed dynamic of "light speed" communications and the initial design(s), there arises a sort of tension which a person can immediately see as having amplified and warped the idea of personal achievement as well, and potential options into the "instant gratification" mentality - which of course is closely related to the consumer mentality.

If nothing else, this movement and change stands to justify and support the idea that our society is based on progressive corruption - and again, is the first to accommodate and utilize that human tendency to such a successful degree.

In this observation, I am not saying that such drastic changes are good or bad - only firstly that it isn't "only," and further - at this point in time, nowhere near stable enough to depend upon for other than its consistency.

It would seem that the elemental design within the initial concept of the recurring "parabolic" progression pertaining to "success" for instance, was hyper-stimulated - resulting, not surprisingly in what appears to be two nearly opposite "main" effects - the first that I can see being a "normalized" and expected instant gratification - the other - within the relationship of extremes, being the heightened potential of instant demise (especially economically) within the dynamic itself.

This then, it would appear, created two sets of dynamic in dichotomy it would seem - which then in turn has created a unique "tension" between the two sets. That tension now as I see it, having given this such very little thought, is comprised largely of that want for instant gratification/success and the insuring effect of extending the parabolic path of larger entities based much within the over laying (and perceivably "slower") dynamic.

This then lends to the illusion that those larger, "older" established areas must be "overtaken" to feed the frenzy within the "instant gratification." Such seems to have had an opposite effect in relation to the "insuring" effect.

Other aspects of this are the obvious "get rich quick" schemes as well as even the idea (presently) of e-commerce. That combined with the dynamic of interacting emulations I previously described makes for quite the situation(s) in motion.

Essentially what seems to be transpiring is the extended potential for expansion and "un-natural" longevity of the much larger entities (economically speaking for instance), while simultaneously removing the potentials of the start ups and/or independent endeavors. As well I should mention that the "instant gratification" expectations seem to work doubly in that sense against the smaller and start ups where it is that the "goal" is no longer a focus on attaining a "natural" longevity so much as an "instant" success. These in effect remove said potentials for the smaller/start up - and then further remove the potential for a growing prosperity from the initial parabolic design. This then presents the problems of coping with resulting dysfunction in cheating that progression.

Something else that I see working against the smaller interests is the heightened ability of the larger interests to simply see a "good idea" developing in the smaller/start up "area" - and over power it - at times outright stealing it in which ever manner is most conducive to the relating circumstances.

This with little or no recourse to the initial proponents.


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